Botender is a machine, not the kind to come from the future to kill John Connor, but rather the kind to liven up your parties by preparing dozens of on-demand cocktails for your guests. I was asked to create its logo: cool deal!
First of all, let me introduce you this devil machine:
I explored many variations of the symbolism of the cocktail glass and the concept of the "cocktail-alcoholjet-printer" in my draft sheet.

We chose the free Kiona font, for its elegant squared letters, its native beautiful character spacing, and its futuristic je ne sais quoi:

I finally decided on a minimalist concept of the cocktail glass, adding a splash to break an overly perfect geometric shape:

Then I worked on the splash shape and a sort of degauss effect:

Logo is terminated, machine is ready to kill... boring parties, hasta la vista baby.

terminator schwarzenegger serving cocktails in martini glass as bar tender
Some funny degauss/drunk title effects experiments, which have been abandoned in order not to harm the image of the machine (which also serves non-alcoholic cocktails, it should be noted):
See the Pen Botender title degauss effect by Alexis Riche (@alexisr) on CodePen.
For more information, see